I have subscribers, wow!

I must have more friends than I think I have, as several people have now subscribed to this blog.

This short blurb is to see if the email subscription is working properly. If you see an email notification about this new blog, please tell me via text, message or email. This way I will know if I have set up this subscription thingy correctly.

The other thing I did was to create categories. So far I have come up with: Businesses, Events, Organizations, People, Town Admin & Town Council. If you can think of other categories please let me know.

There have been so many ideas for posts going through my head, I am getting dizzy. I look forward to your replies, so I can get started for real.

If you get notified of this post, all is working well, and it is time to tell your friends so they can subscribe.

I love Raymond, AB

Hi Raymond friends (and friends of Raymond), I have been wanting to write about life in Raymond, and now I will. About subjects like our Theater, Library, Museum, events, various groups, societies, organizations and businesses. Also things like “What happens to our garbage after the garbage truck picks it up?”, “How does the street light know when to turn on and off?”, “How do I go about getting a business license in town?”, “Where does the sewage go?”, “What does the Mayor actually do?”, “This is what happened at the Town Council meeting”, “Did you know that so&so is skilled at ______?”. Anything that grabs my attention.

I am Ann Williams, and have lived in Raymond since May 1998. Many of you got to know me during the elections for Town Councilor in the fall of 2021. Others have worked with me via the Library Board, the Chamber of Commerce, SA Junior Achievement, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Or you have used my bookkeeping services.

Currently I am very unschooled in the blogging process. My goal is to become efficient at making my blog visually appealing as well as informative. Come along for the ride. This blog is a new creative outlet for me, so no strict publishing schedule. However with all that I want to write about it, you probably do not have to wait long between posts.

If you have any ideas for a subject that fits into “Life in Raymond Alberta” please let me know, or write an article yourself to be posted here. Also if you have any pretty or funny pictures of Raymond things, buildings or places, that you would be willing to “donate” to this blog, I would really appreciate that.

My next lesson will be how to enable you to subscribe to this blog, so that every time I publish a new post on this blog, you will get notified.